Planning & Pre-Production


Tarryn Rose

Key Frames

Tarryn Rose

Example of Storyboard
Full Storyboard
EXT: Fade from black. Establishing shot of Strawberry Hill House. Camera is stationary.
 JAY walks onto shot towards house. Camera is stationary. Wide long shot
Cut to a mid shot of JAY opening the door of the house.
 INT: inside house. Benches in foreground. JAYwalks towards camera while camera tracks backwards. Mid wide shot.
Cut to a side profile shot of JAY as he walks to show his facial expression. Mid close up. Camera tracking JAY.
 Cut to a wide mid shot of JAY standing facing the PRIEST.

Tarryn Rose

Permission from Location

Tarryn Rose


The reason why we chose to cast this person in particular to be our Priest character is because the way he looks and behaves and the way his voice sounds is similar to the way we imagined the Priest to look and sound like. 

The reason why we decided to cast this person to play our character Jay is because he looks the part and he is the right age for the part. Also, this person has basic experience in acting so he was reliable to use as a cast member. 

Tarryn Rose


Ellie Gradley- 18/Black Hair

(as soon as I realised she has dark hair I thought of all the special effects I could do to make her look scary as an extra) eg: gel her hair back into a tight, low pony, draw very thick black eyebrows, and very pale skin. Shes the type of person you could do various looks on. Either way, whatever role she may play, makeup can be adjusted to suit.

Chloe (Me) An extra, perhaps praying on a bench outside the castle? Would like to play some sort of role in it!
I don't think many extras are needed in our production, however if needed more I have a few more people that would be interested.

I feel that having all male actors would be a big issue when distributed; as not many females would perhaps want to see it. I wanted to originally have a female extra (Ellie) to allow a wider audience to view our opening sequence; rather than just males. However, just because our opening sequence does not have any female actors, the director, co producers are all female, which perhaps would open doors for more females to view our final thing. With saying that, I feel our opening sequence would be more aimed at teenage boys because of the main actor Jay. 

Chloe O'Brien

Makeup and Special Effects

The blood needs working on! but ive made a mess of my bedroom floor right now -_- soooo... I will attempt again on the weekend!

just realised I used red food colouring (mistake)
  supposed to use the green n blue only!

This vampire horror sequence really inspired me. I think at the start we need to use a very pale type of powder/foundation. It needs to be very unusual not a normal type of pale. For the eyes I think a think layer of black eyeliner, and perhaps a smokey pink/brown eye shadow to surround the eyes.

I was thinking something along the lines of this to begin with (without the blood). The cheekbones need to be defined using a bronzer/goldy shimmer colour. However, at the beginning it needs to be as natural as a vampire could be.

Towards the middle we need to start changing up the makeup and make it more defined. EG:

However, with PURPLE lipstick, a DARK purple.

Towards the END: 

Everything needs to be defined. EG: Eyebrows need a THICK layer of black eyeliner. Face should be incredibly WHITE with layers of a purple/pinky shade round the eyes. CHEEK BONES DARK BROWN/PURPLELY SHADE. PURPLE lipstick. Blood running out of mouth.



Why I chose to do the makeup like we did: 

I felt for our piece the opening sequence was meant to be realistic, so I choose to make the makeup as realistic as possible to match with our realism. The makeup at the beginning was made to look as neutral as possible so the audience didn't suspect  the so called 'priest' was a vampire. So I choose to use neutral colors in order to achieve this. As time progressed, I choose to make the face more defined, eg. defined cheekbones and a whiter face to show the change from a priest into a vampire. I choose not to have blood on the priests mouth at any point because I felt that It would be too CLICHE' so I took the more realistic approach to be as neutral as I could be to give the opening sequence a more realistic view; to satisfy our audience.

Chloe O'Brien


If not this, then Tarryn's camera will also be great!

Chloe O'Brien

Equipment List:
  • Tarryn's camera:   (Canon 600D)
  • Chloe's cameras: (Canon 5D MKII & Canon 550D)
  • School's tracks
  • Tarryn's flood light.
  • School's hand held torch.
  • Tarryn's tripod.
  • Tarryn's SD card: 16MB
Tarryn Rose

This Priest Costume is £12 which will stick withen our budget and I feel its not too 'MUCH'
I thought this costume would be appropriate for the priest as its very ajustable in transforming him into a vampire through this costume.

For Jay, I was thinking keep it very SIMPLE! usual young boy, perhaps jeans and a top, and suitable shoes?

Extras to be wearing all black, and all be holding some sort of cross or black rosery beads around their necks to show the religious aspect of our production.

Chloe O'Brien

Shopping List

Priest Robes:

(Crucifix Not included) 


Red contact lenses:


(Scarecrow Custom Saber Fangs)


Money Total:


£35.97 divided by 3 = £11.99

I think we should all pay £15 just incase we need any spare money then we'll work out the change we all get back at the end of filming. 

Tarryn Rose

Shooting Schedual

Friday 22nd

  • Establishing shot of the house.
  • Jay opening the door. 
  • Jay walking into the house.
  • Jay walking up the stairs. 
  • Jay entering the main hall. 
-The only character we'll need on Friday is Jay.
-On Friday we'll shoot any scenery of the house we wanted to include for use of iconography. 
Saturday 23rd
  • Shots of the people praying in the hall. 
  • Jay walking up the Priest in the hall. 
  • Conversation in the hall between Jay and the Priest. 
  • Priest leading Jay into the dark room. 
  • Conversation between Jay and the Priest in the dark room before the Priest tells Jay the stories.
  • Jay running away from the Priest through the Hall after the stories are told. 
- On Saturday we'll need Jay, the Priest and the people praying.
- The only prop we'll use is the 'Bible'. 
- We'll need to set up chairs in the Hall. 
- Priest outfit is needed: Robes, crucifix and sunglasses.

Sunday 24th
  • Scene between Jay and the Priest after the stories have been told.
  • Close up of Priest's eyes. 
  • Close up of Priest's fangs. 
  • Shot of goblet falling. 
  • Shot of goblet on the floor. 
  • Scenes withe the victims being killed/ stories being acted out. 
- For Sunday the characters we'll need are Jay, the Priest and the victims in the story. 
- The props we'll need are the goblet. 
- Must have the Priest outfit: Robes, crucifix, sunglasses, red contact lenses and fangs. 
- Must have fake blood. 
- Must have lights. 

Any Day during half Term
  • Scene where Jay wakes up from 'bad dream'.
  • Close up of bite marks. 
- Must have digital alarm clock saying that it's early in the morning. 
- Must have suitable lighting to show that it's early in the morning. 
- Bedroom must resemble Jay's character. 
- Must have fake blood, make up and latex for bit marks on Jay's neck. 

Tarryn Rose

Weather Forecast

Friday 22nd

Saturday 23rd

Tarryn Rose

Risk Assessment
It's going to be really cold outside while we're filming so we all must make sure that we all wear suitable clothing on the days we're filming outside (Friday and Sunday.) Also, we should all bring an umbrella just in case it rains. 

Any makeup will either be applied before entering the building or it will be done outside so there is virtually no chance of makeup getting anywhere inside. 

Flat, soft shoes will be worn so our shoes wont damage anything and so it will be easier for us to walk down the difficult stairs without falling! Also, we must check that we have clean shoes before entering the building. 

Damage to the building: 
Don't touch anything you don't need to touch! 

Any equipment that we're not using will be kept in bags or boxes so they're not damaged. Also, any wires will be taped down so no one will trip over. 

Other Risks: 
No running while inside! (Obviously) Other wise you may trip or knock something over. The only time there will be running is if an actor is being chased by a vampire- In which case, I think running is acceptable!

Tarryn Rose

Shot List
  • Establishing Shot. 
  • Wide long shot of the house as JAY is walking into frame. 
  • Mid shot of JAY as he opens the door. 
  • Mid wide shot as JAY walks towards the camera when he's in the house. 
  • Side profile shot of JAY's face as he's walking. Close up. 
  • Mid wide shot of JAY facing the PRIEST. 
  • Over the shoulder shot looking at JAY.
  • Over the shoulder shot looking at the PRIEST. 
  • Close up of book on the table. 
  • Mid shot of the PRIEST looking up at JAY.
  • Long shot of PRIEST and JAY in the dark room. 
  • Mid shot of JAY knocking over the goblet. 
  • Close up of PRIEST when he's changed to the vampire. 
  • Mid shot of JAY in bed waking up. 
Tarryn Rose

Peer Evaluations:

(Rough cut) Peer Evaluation from Vegan Farm Productions

Peer Evaluation of nearly finished opening sequence

Ellie Hawksworth

Opening Sequence (Director's Cut)

Tarryn Rose

Opening Sequence Edited by Chloe and Ellie(final)

Our group made two versions of our opening sequence to see which one was better and to see if we could incorporate ideas from both opening sequences into our final opening sequence. 

Tarryn Rose

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